Poor man's Reader App with Pandoc & Bash

Every so often, I want to avoid opening a website in a browser, for ... reasons.

Throwback, June 27, 2020.

Every so often, I want to avoid opening a website in a browser, for … reasons.

Curl alone presents too much html. I want to try and read stuff.

Today, I was playing with Igor Chubin's awesome terminal services (wttr.in, cht.sh etc.), and it hit me:

"WAIT, there's pandoc, what if I just … "

… … … and an hour later… a terrible idea manifested itself.

www_to_md() {
    pandoc --wrap=none -f html -t markdown "${1}"

drop_noise() {
    # remove pesky divs
    grep -v -E "(<div|</div).*[>]?|*.>" |
        # squeeze multiple blank lines into one
        cat -s

cache_site() {
    local sitecache="${1:?'Fail. Path to create cache.'}"
    local mdfilename="${2:-'this.md'}"
    local evict_cache_qmark="${3:-no}"

    mkdir -p "${sitecache}"

    if [[ -f "${sitecache}/${mdfilename}" && "${evict_cache_qmark}" == "no" ]]
    then tee
    else tee "${sitecache}/${mdfilename}"

panwww() {
    local siteurl="${1}"
    local evict_cache_qmark="${2:-no}"
    local sitename="${siteurl/http*:\/\//www.}"
    local sitecache="/tmp/panwwwcache/${sitename}"
    local mdfilename="this.md"

    if [[ -f "${sitecache}/${mdfilename}" && "${evict_cache_qmark}" == "no" ]]
    then local cmd="cat ${sitecache}/${mdfilename}"
    else local cmd="www_to_md ${siteurl}"

    $cmd | drop_noise | cache_site "${sitecache}" "${mdfilename}" "${evict_cache_qmark}"

so that …

panwww "https://www.recurse.com/" | less # fetches site the first time
panwww "https://www.recurse.com/" | less # looks up "cache"
panwww "https://www.recurse.com/" "refetch" | less