Why and How I use "Org Mode" for my writing and more
I find myself telling people that they will have to pry org-mode from my cold dead hands. Which befuddles me. Why, as an ingrate software nerd who has soured on software technology — talk about biting the hand that feeds — do I evince such strong sentiment about a software program?!
You won't know of Org Mode if you live a normal life. This page has pictures that will help you visualise it.
It is a decidedly un-sexy under-marketed weirdly niche tool for note taking (and a lot more). "Your life in plain text", they say.
Yet, I find myself telling people that they will have to pry it from my cold dead hands. Which befuddles me. Why, as an ingrate software nerd who has soured on software technology —talk about biting the hand that feeds— do I evince such strong sentiment about a software program?!
Also, plain text? In 2022?!
Well, join the wonder club. I've been wondering the same thing!
With further ado, I will:
- illustrate my org-mode use with real examples
- describe my "what, why, and how" in generally applicable terms
- discuss some common objections and concerns
- offer some shiny brain-food for your imagination
Also nerd alert. I can't remove some technicalities without also dumbing it down and doing your intelligence a disservice. Email me if you need help.
Take what is useful and discard the rest!
Org is a highly flexible structured plain text file format, composed of a few simple, yet versatile, structures — constructed to be both simple enough for the novice and powerful enough for the expert.
Yes, it's true.
What I use Org Mode for
Over the last 8-odd years, I have gradually come to use Org Mode (a.k.a. org-mode, orgmode, or just org) for all my:
- note-taking
- live demo presentations
- slide decks
- diagramming
- interactive polyglot computational notebooks
- blogging. Indeed, this blog post and the surrounding website are written in org text and made with tools that work with orgmode.
I have never used org for managing TODOs, calendaring, or any "productivity" use cases (time tracking, GTD etc.), which it has become popular for. Nor, as is also popular these days, is it my "second brain". (Or maybe it is because my ~/org directory is a total disaster zone. I just disorganise and use Emacs to search through the files.).
Some Emacs-using manager-type friends have built very high-leverage workflows to help them stay on top of operations, coaching/mentoring, project management, and more. No other tool in the market comes close to what they can get their org workflows to do for them. (Also, the pun is deeply satisfying — to run one's org with org :)
I too have yet to find an alternative that lets me do all my stuff more seamlessly and capably than org-mode. Granted I use the Emacs implementation of org-mode, but I'm optimistic that more apps (web, mobile, desktop) are becoming general enough. I enumerate several of them later.
A pretty good example of my usage
I enjoy teaching tutorial-style talks and workshops, and I like to live dangerously; only doing live demos. I recently did one of those at Functional Conf 2022. Here is the sequence of events of how things got done, via org-mode.
Development: The talk started off as prose in an orgmode file (click "Raw" button to see the orgmode text I actually typed out). Thanks to org-babel, I was programming and testing the code examples right inside the file, as I went along developing and refining my ideas. This facility is known as "live computational notebook". org-babel was separate before, but now it comes built into the Emacs implementation of Org Mode. Epic win!
Publishing: In fact, this content was a draft blog post in my website directory. Once it got decently OK, I published it to my blog, to solicit feedback and to maintain as a living document, progressively improving the prose / examples / explanations.
Slideware: The reviewed and revised blog post rapidly turned into this hastily-made presentation version (click "Raw" button to see the actual text I edited the post down to). I simply deleted prose, support material and extra-examples until I had just-right examples I could fit into a screen at a time (at a suitably large font size).
Live Demo: That in turn enabled the live demo (video) with live code evaluation (with org-babel), and slide navigation using org-tree-slide.
PDF Handout: Since then I have cleaned up and restructured the hastily-done presentation version so it exports neatly via Beamer, into this nifty PDF slide deck. The heavily improved and reformatted orgmode version remains eminently demoscene-able. If I were immune to last-minute prep, this is the version I would have used for the live demo.
Professor Points: I also get intermediate tex output for free, which I don't need, but may please you if you are a professor (or said professor's hopelessly sleep derived grad students).
Version-controlled and Highly Reproducible: I can go back to any saved version of any of the org files above, and reliably reproduce output for "distribution" (PDF, tex, HTML etc.). In other words, it is all highly reproducible.
How I got into the org life
Well, orgmode was created in anger almost 2 decades ago (circa 2003) by a particularly nerdy astronomer — Carsten Dominic — who was fed up with the anemic note taking tools du jour. I discovered it about a decade ago (circa 2013), right after I changed careers to "tech", because all the gentlenerds at the little company used Emacs. Told ya. Not normal. (Although, surprisingly, lots of normies use it too. Hi friends!).
But, long before I found Emacs org-mode, I had Microsoft OneNote in a past life as a Suit. In Gen-Z terms, OneNote was (is?) a "local-first" Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) app (that sold profitably—what a concept). I was a superfan and used it All The Time for All The Things. In hindsight, I wonder if they didn't pinch their ideas from org-mode 1.
Anyway, after I fell into the oddball world of Unix and Emacs users, I started with "well, all I really need is a way to write and search copious notes".
If memory serves, it was m'colleague Mayank, who's Emacs I first saw org in, and m'other colleague Vedang who's supercharged org-life provided ample inspiration as well as opportunities to rib him about his org dependence. With a little bit of monkey-see-monkey-do and some help, I started dropping words into .org files.
Little did I know how it would gradually absorb all my OneNote use cases, and provide a lot more.
I started with plain notes and checkboxes. It was just that for many months.
Then I discovered org-babel for code-aware syntax highlighting and editing, because I wanted to also keep nice-looking code snippets in my documents.
After several more months, I discovered org-babel supports interactive code evaluation with results capture. WAT??!!
Then a year or two in, I started doing little talks. By that time I was clued-in enough to be pretty sure I'd find something to make org-mode do it. And sure enough there exist things like org-tree-slide and org-present.
Then I wanted to give PDF handouts and figured out how to export things. It was a bit painful to learn, but quite useful overall.
Now my website is under org management :D
And whenever some new requirement comes up, org-mode is my first port of call, because crucially, everything works with everything else. In seamless composability resides the power of the ecosystem that has grown atop org-mode, both within the world of Emacs, and without it.
Sometimes I have to put in annoyingly extra effort to make some new add-on requirement play well with my other requirements. But each time I've come away knowing that effort was way lower than having to find, shortlist, pick and learn an entire new tool with its own user interface, opinionated workflow, inevitable workarounds, and maybe incompatible data format (not plain org text).
For the small price of occasional annoyance, I get to keep using my exact same workflow for everything. This has been a surprise win that is hard to explain in words, especially in today's world where standalone apps have normalised disconnected silos. In hindsight, I didn't really know exactly how much I would come to value composability. I do. A lot!
Which is why, now you will have to pry org-mode from my cold dead hands.
Some common objections and questions
A reader may rightfully complain about several parts of this blog post, as well as the strangeness of Org Mode.
Bleh! A Church of Emacs evangelist…
Sorry, programmer in-joke :-)
Orgmode became culturally easy for me as I was already using the venerable Emacs editor, but my ardour has little to do with my affiliation with the Church of Emacs. It has everything to do with utility. Utility is contextual. Which, for me, is "to write things down such that I can use it all usefully in (many) other ways".
Besides, Emacs is no longer the only useful interface to org. Which, in fact, makes me want to stick with org-mode even more. Growing support is easing collaboration via org files.
But seriously, Emacs winkwink, amirite?
Yes, it is a valid question because Emacs contains the canonical, complete implementation of org-mode. Many people use Emacs just for org-mode.
But also, seriously, no.
Because not even the most hardcore Emacs org-mode users use all of org-mode. One has particular requirements, which are likely serviceable by particular apps and tools enumerated below.
See, it's just like normal people and spreadsheets. Not even the guru-est of y'all use all of your spreadsheet software. Or like normal people, normal pens, and normal paper. Even a child can use that stuff, but I'll eat my hat if you go to bed with my handwriting and wake up an ace calligrapher. BUT, you will probably be able to wake up with a pretty good idea, scribble it down and maybe change the world (if you can read my hand).
Utility is contextual, remember?
So here are ways to use org-mode without Emacs, for useful-to-you purposes, without even caring it is orgmode text underneath.
Mobile, Web, and Desktop apps:
- mobile: Orgro, a mobile Org Mode file viewer for iOS and Android
- mobile: Plain Org, org text view and editor for iOS
- mobile: Orgzly, org text viewer and editor for Android (I use this on my phone, and sync notes to my PC with Dropbox).
- mobile: beorg for iOS (tasks, projects, notes)
- mobile: flathabits, inspired by Atomic Habits, with all your data stored in org files
- web+desktop: logseq, a privacy-first, open-source knowledge base
- web: organise, web-based org text editor and viewer
- web: braintool.org, a Chrome plugin "to easily capture and categorize all the information and knowledge you want to keep track of, right at the point you discover it or create it"
Text Editors (apart from Emacs):
- You can type org markup text (syntax) in any text editor, even Notepad.
- Vim: https://github.com/nvim-orgmode/orgmode
- Atom: https://atom.io/packages/org-mode
- VSCode: https://github.com/vscode-org-mode/vscode-org-mode
A variety of utilities to:
- Publish, Import, Export, Parse
- More community-enumerated tools for the same
- Even Github, Gitlab etc. support org markup these days!
I'm sure more people are making and releasing tools backed by org-mode text.
The future is bright!
But what if one app is not enough?
Having your stuff written in a standard portable format like Org Mode text can become very useful, if you need / want to transcend your current app. But, until such time, feel free to use one app for one thing today (say tasks), and another one for another reason (say note taking), and yet another for, say, habits.
As long as those org-mode based apps don't lock in your data (most don't), then odds are that you will be able to roll all your use cases under one single app later. Worst case, if no other sufficiently capable app is available, or if the app you're using shuts down, Emacs will be there to fall back on!
Now, Emacs is unfortunately oddball because of half a century of conceptual baggage. Most commonly, it fetches derision for its notoriously awkward keyboard shortcuts. That is mainly because Emacs was already old by the time the PC mouse became mainstream. Keyboards were the only standard method to talk to computers. Also the key combinations feel strange because they don't make keyboards like they used to 2.
BUT, Emacs accepts you as you are!
Beneath its curmudgeonly exterior 3, it is perhaps the most accessible software application out there 4!
Even I, after so many years of using Emacs org-mode, know barely a handful of very frequently-used keyboard shortcuts (TABTAB to expand tree structures, Shift-TAB to collapse them, ALT-up/down to move trees etc.). Most of the time I just search for commands in the Emacs command menu system (ALT-x followed by a guess for the name of the org command, e.g. ALT-x org export
, and the system shows me command options with 'export' in the name).
Emacs will always be a great choice because org-mode is built into Emacs. So the complete feature set of org-mode is available with zero configuration. Just install Emacs, mouse-open-create a new .org
file and start typing text.
But (sexy VC-funded app)?
Immersed as I was, in a herd of Emacsen, I started to value some things a lot.
Offline-first being one, which box OneNote checked off handsomely. BUT proprietary data formats became deal-breakers too. It pains me that I can't trivially access my old OneNote dump to snicker at that cocky past-suit-me.
The cool new tools have also failed to entice me away. Frankly, OneNote's UX and capability 15 years ago hands-down beats most of them. Which may also be why da noo cool don't impress. But that's less worse than the fact that that The Cloud is the new proprietary data format. If my OneNote notes were in The Cloud, and The Cloud "accidentally" chose to lock me out, I wouldn't even be able to dream of snickering at past-suit-me.
So I now value local first, which implies full data ownership, with content in a highly portable format, without rigid dependence on 3rd parties, especially not networks or remote services.
Of course, I now enjoy the specter of losing my backups, but I prefer being (ir)responsible to myself over being beholden to the mysterious demigods that reside in The Cloud Computer. Also, I'm used to it since my OneNote days. Suits can be responsible too, you know.
Now, "Your life in plain text", as the org website says, is an absolute must-have. Plus, it gives me everything I liked in OneNote and more.
"Win, Win.", as the Suits say.
But isn't org-mode a productivity app?
No. It is fundamentally about writing in a structured plain text data format.
Carsten Dominic created it to be a "system of note taking and project planning", with the insight that we think of tasks in context of projects. So it makes a lot of sense to unify prose-writing with denoting TODOs and project meta information directly in context of the prose.
Now, here's the nuance. While org prescribes a certain syntax to structure text and to describe meta-information, it does not prescribe or force any one method, to interpret and use the text; e.g. GTD or Kanban or GANTT or what have you.
Besides, "productivity" means different things to different people. If your old man who types with two fingers routinely invents large scale industrial systems (at least one per year), you too would have a rather different view of what "productivity" means, and what tools one needs to be productive, compared to the many Internet subcultures and gurus who are each passionately vocal about their version of tomato timers.
Anyway, it turns out that given structured text and maybe associated metadata, one can build interesting use-cases and workflows that consume the content as a data structure.
Lastly, we don't have to think in "productivity" terms. The basic "outline" way of writing text is absolutely fine and useful just by itself. Because writing = thinking. And because structured writing tool can help us easily structure / restructure our thinking. And because even if we share it as-is, our text is at least legible to anyone regardless of their text reading tool.
Like this:
* Top level headline
some text** A second level
some other text*** A third level
still other text*** Another Third level
more still other text* Another top level headline
* Lord of the Rings
My favorite scenes are (in this order) 1. The attack of the Rohirrim
+ Eowyn's fight with the witch king
a. this was already my favorite scene in the book
b. I really like Miranda Otto. 3. Peter Jackson being shot by Legolas
- on DVD only
He makes a really funny face when it happens.
But in the end, no individual scenes matter but the film as a whole.
Important actors in this film are: - Elijah Wood :: He plays Frodo
- Sean Astin :: He plays Sam, Frodo's friend. I still remember him
very well from his role as Mikey Walsh in /The Goonies/.
But why org instead of markdown?
OK, so I don't dislike markdown, I just like org much better. I'm facing off org v/s md because md is popular and widespread. Org Mode isn't. Naturally, org looks odd in comparison, at first glance. But really, they have plenty in common.
For one, there are several flavours of markdown, each with their own syntax for how to describe text. Org Mode syntax is not very different. The general concepts remain similar. So all one really needs is a syntax cheat sheet for org.
Every other benefit of writing in structured plaintext remains available to me, including fine-grained version control, maximum portability, prose-like legibility, publishing to any other format (PDF, html, tex, odf, asciidoc, as well as various markdown variants).
To me, paying the cost of learning org syntax was well worth it because it afforded me access to text structured in one standard format, with better usability, functionality, and historical support than the various markdowns. I think this article makes a good case for learning org syntax: Org Mode Is One of the Most Reasonable Markup Languages to Use for Text
Plus, org text is explicitly designed to double as a raw datastructure that can be used to drive workflows, like showing presentations, or interactive notebooks, or project management etc. This design choice is explicitly not the mandate of most other plaintext document formats.
Help! Where do I even begin?
This is a common problem because orgmode has become A Lot!
Whatever you want to achieve will almost always be possible, if not through a special-purpose org-mode app, then through Emacs org-mode. Being free to do anything is great, but it is also bewildering!
I'd say eat the Elephant one bite at a time, in a problem/solution format, and that too only as long as you're hungry.
Review the intro on the front page of the org-mode website, see the features, and the quickstart, to get an idea of what it's like.
Consider "I want to do X. Can org-mode help me?" where X is the most important thing for you. The answer will almost certainly be "Yes m'lorx, this way please.". See if any of the apps I listed previously, fit your requirement.
Then do only that X and see if it works for you. If you find yourself reaching for your orgmode app all the time, for X, then you know you have a winner. This trick keeps things simple, which should give you a strong sense of utility. It should also keep switching costs low if it fails you for X. In that case, your data is yours, so you can take it to another app.
If you can solve your X admirably, then you can think about your other Y/Z/PQR requirements and start solving them. Maybe in the same app or maybe in a second and third app. Many apps is fine because your data format is the same and you would have an escape hatch from the app. Again, consulting the org-mode website will help match Y/Z/PQR to org.
Shiny brain-food for your imagination
I love to watch/read tutorials, HOWTOs, essays, trick-shots etc. published by org super-fans and super-users. Lots of inspiration exists out there! I don't know what I don't know!
Whenever I am stuck, I go to one of these resources:
- orgmode.org is the canonical reference manual.
- Worg is full of gold (tips, tricks, tutorials, hacks).
Whenever I'm looking for inspiration, I go to these resources:
- Document: norang's epic life in orgmode page
- Document: EH Neilsen's Emacs org-mode examples and cookbook 5 that shows how to make org into a full-bore computing environment.
- Demo: Carsten Dominic's timeless presentation "Emacs Org-mode - a system for note-taking and project planning"
- Demo: Youtuber Rainer Konig has published a fantastic series of short, clear tutorials of the many things one can do with Org.
- Demo: Emacs For Writers by Jay Dixit, a widely-published science writer who is a non-programmer.
- Demo: Getting Started With Org Mode, for nerds of all feather.
- Demo: Consistent Technical Documents Using Emacs and Org Mode
- Demo: How m'colleague Suvrat uses Emacs org-mode's "Org Capture" feature to stay in flow while programming.
- Demo: How m'colleague Vedang uses Emacs org-mode to run his whole life, as a team lead, project manager, and fallible human.
- Search "orgmode" in YouTube for lots more!
And if you need help getting started or getting un-stuck or advancing your org-life, email me! (weblog at this site).