All the posts tagged #clojure

Keeping it Old-Tool: REPL habits of a grug-brained Clojure programmer

Is demo of Grug Clojure code vibe. He no catch onto cloud LLM magics for some reason. Still prefer program with only brain-muscles. Prefer use Grug language standard library and standard dev tools. Prefer make and use all byte on local disk. Maybe luddite, maybe obsolete. Grug no mind. Fine with how he code. Besides, Grug like muscles. Hope maybe you see tip, trick, tactic to steal. Take what can use, no take what no can use.

Clojuring the web application stack: Meditation One

In a land bereft of a canonical "killer app" web framework or two, one must think about the what, why, how, where of all the moving parts. Out here, one must become a student of web framework architecture in addition to web application architecture. For here, in Clojure-land, the two are one. ☯

Poor man's job runner with Clojure Agents

On (mis)using Clojure's concurrency features to make an in-memory job runner, because I needed an excuse to use more than atoms for once. Definitely not Rich Hickey's "Ants" demo.

Riff: A "mycelium-clj" for the Clojure ecosystem?

In a world of concrete objects, steel frameworks bring sense and order. In a forest of composable tools, libraries and open-ended schemas, it would be the mycelia. A frustrated yet optimistic man muses "Might such a thing come to be?".

Emerging from dotemacs bankruptcy the hard way: integrating the IDE (feat. Clojure(Script))

The one in which we design a rich Integrated Development Environment (IDE) experience, using Clojure as our muse. Featuring Language Server Protocol (lsp-mode + clojure-lsp), clojure-mode, cider, and more! Buckle up and get a coffee.

A Clojure view of "Mars Rover"

Here I illustrate how Clojurists (including Yours Truly) like to solve problems and model things using hammocks, pure functions, and the "it's just data" ideology. Also, while the *problem* focuses on "design in the small" of application logic, many ideas in the *solution* can—and do—scale all the way to "design in the large" of whole systems.

Which Clojure codebases should I read? How and why?

Newcomers to Clojure so frequently ask this question that an FAQ/Guide is being discussed, to add to the Clojure website. I struggled a lot with the question too, when starting off in Clojureland. Here are my notes and opinions.

n ways to FizzBuzz in Clojure

FizzBuzz is everywhere. Every programmer passes through its rite of passage, or at least bears witness to another. Over the years, many gentlenerds have taken it upon themselves to discover ever new ways to incant those hoary symbols. I hereby enjoin these few drops of Clojure to that roiling ocean of FizzBuzzery.

Dismal Arithmetic in Dyalog APL and Clojure

Dismal arithmetic is just like the arithmetic you learned in school, only simpler: there are no carries, when you add digits you just take the largest, and when you multiply digits you take the smallest. How does code look in the two languages I like a lot; Clojure and APL?