Strong writing culture transforms merely competent software teams into elite ones; those proverbial 10x product builders. Although creating high-leverage writing culture requries mindful effort, it is not rocket science and one can start small. So... why, when, and how to do it? Personal opinions ahead. Take what is useful, discard the rest.
Some thinking, trade-offs, theory building, and method-making one might ended up doing, in the course of bringing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) discipline to brownfield (and greenfield) services, at a small regulated fintech company, having a smaller engineering team that serves several business units, including one of India's largest national tax gateways. Only somewhat easier than reading a long compound sentence without pausing for breath. Phew.
In a world of concrete objects, steel frameworks bring sense and order. In a forest of composable tools, libraries and open-ended schemas, it would be the mycelia. A frustrated yet optimistic man muses "Might such a thing come to be?".
"What are folks’ views on systems so large where cold-starting the whole system is almost impossible?"... — M'colleague, Shivam, In A Slackroom Next Door.
In which we ponder the Functional Nature of Life, The Universe, and Everything. Please feel free to follow through the weeds, or jump straight to the bottom for my 2 nano BTC on the matter. (Or my current state of mind, at any rate.)
Technology is—and ought to be—the /byproduct/ of far more important, powerful, and deep-rooted aspects of organisations — including wholesale societies. The pandemic of technology-solutionism gleefully embraced and amplified by all and sundry makes me believe that people seem to have decided it's the other way around.
I've long struggled with the *Technical* Debt metaphor. It was immediately useful when I first heard it. I still think it is useful, albeit as a starting point. The more I worked with software, the more infuriatingly incomplete it started to feel. So I've reframed it as *Software* Debt, for myself. Here's what I'm thinking.
Not a weighty meandering 300 page Zen dialogue on Motorcycle Maintenance. Merely a meandering blog post in which one contemplates /Quality/ of software products.
Creating things is a delicate endeavour, fraught with peril. People struggle forward through crazy marketplace and environmental complexities just to get from one day to the other. Yet I can't shake off the feeling that we make it harder for ourselves than it should be. I've been trying to work out why. There's a lot to unpack. This post is a start at thinking about it in public.